Planned Giving
Charitable IRA Rollover – Available to donors ages 70 ½ and older. Donors can transfer up to $100,000 directly from an IRA to HIE as your charity of choice. The benefit is the donor does not account for funds as income and is able to make charitable contributions and without a penalty or capital gains.
Donor Advised Funds - A Donor Advised Fund acts like a personal savings account for charitable purposes. Typically held at a community foundation or large financial institution, you have an option of designating to HEI as your charity of choice.
Gift Annuity and Charitable Remainder Trust - A gift to HEI through a charitable gift annuity (CGA and CRT) provides lifetime payments to you (or a recipient of your choosing). The income you receive is partially tax-free, making this a great option for donors wishing to maintain a steady stream of income. You will receive fixed income for the rest of your life. Not only will you receive an immediate tax deduction, but you may also avoid certain capital gains taxes on a portion of your gift.
Life Insurance/Retirement Plan – You may choose to name HEI as the beneficiary and irrevocable owner of an insurance policy or retirement plan. The donor must agree to pay any future premium payments owed on the policy.
Minerals and Royalties - Donating mineral interests to HEI. If the interest meets certain criteria, it can be given as an outright gift to HEI or be included as part of your estate plans. All donated mineral interests will be held in perpetuity.
Real Estate/Property – Donors may give real estate/property as an outright gift to HEI or include it as part of a will or trust. A donation of real estate may avoid certain capital gains tax on its sale, and maybe eligible to receive a sizeable tax deduction. The value of your gift will be based on an appraisal and the property’s fair market value.
Stocks/Bonds – Donors may give stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to HEI. The stocks will be sold, and the tax-deductible donation will be based on the full market value at the time of the sell and potentially avoid capital gains.
Stock transfer information to HEI:
DTC #: 0141 with Code: 40
Account #: 5124-9228 at Charles Schwab
Name: Hough Ear Institute
EIN #: 73-1507929
Please notify the Development Department at HEI so we can properly acknowledge your gift of stocks/bonds and confirm the transfer of securities to HEI, as the financial institution often does not provide the donor’s information during such a transaction.
Vehicles - You can donate a car, truck, RV, or boat to HEI, whether it is running or not. It will be picked up directly from you and, processed and appraised by a HEI representative. You will receive the amount of donation based on the appraised blue-book value.
Please contact the Development Department at 405-639-2873 or email for more information on any of these planned giving options. HEI will be happy to assist you with making a lasting gift that impacts the future research and outreach efforts at HEI through your legacy giving.